Does pseuodo-dating exist in this Asian Pacific country, home to over 49,000,000 souls? The answer is NO. Yes, in all caps, NO.
According to our very scholarly research, pseudo-dating is rarely practiced in the country. Meeting the opposite sex goes as follows:
1. Boy meets girl
2. Boy texts and calls girl repeatedly
3. Boy gets up nerve to ask girl what she wants to do, and on a specific day. Take note of the word "specific." There is no "Soo....I'm maybe going to like the bars later. Maybe we can meet up or something?" Instead, insert "Hi, I really want to hang out with you, would Thursday night at 9:00pm work for you?"
-If yes --> boy and girl have definitive, solid plans. Boy will continue to call/text girl everyday leading up to the date.
-If no --> boy asks girl "What about Friday?", continuing in this fashion until plans have been made.
4. Relationship ensues. Real, honest-to-god relationship.
Now, this may seem a little too straightforward for our developed American tastes. Darcy and I even thought we may call the boy a "stalker" among other terms, seeing that his persistence could turn south very quickly. This often leads to great confusion among Koreans attempting to date in the US. One friend thinks boys do not like her if they do not call/text immediately after getting her number...she obviously has a long way to go in understanding pseudo-dating. Sigh.
1 comment:
Pseudo-dating does happen in the UK. But very rarely, it normally depends on a boy's self-confidence. Alcohol normally plays a big part as liquid confidence and since the drinking age is 18, the boy's are normally full of it.
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