As illustrated by this representation of my last pseudo dating relationship over time nothing about these relationships are very satisfying. No real highs or lows for the majority of time, but the inconsistency remains evident. One week there seems to be potential, the next you seem pretty sure it is over for good. The thing to remember with PD is that you never know until the next night, expectations (again I know) are your worst enemy.
Also, notice the point at about Week 8 when things take a turn for the worst, Emily and I refer to this point as the "Oh my God what was I thinking point". It is the moment of clarity when you realize that this there is no future with this person or when all of the things that annoyed you finally materialize all at once as a giant amalgam of unattractiveness in your mind, or both. Once this epiphany has taken place, like the conclusion of your own personal vision quest, it is almost impossible to look at anything having to do with that relationship again. For example, abnormally long male finger nails combined with insecure asshole and unrelenting apathy makes an "Oh my God" moment.
My final tip: Don't let it last as long as I did. That was a boo boo.