Well, my lovelies (or anyone who could possibly still be reading this thing) Spring is here and summer is fast-approaching, so love is clearly in the air. Or is that the allergens? Either way both seem to have the same effect on me -- nothing. I have been up in the Portland area for a while now, and well, I have little to report on the PD front. But fear not, I do have something...
A month back or so, my previous pseudo-dating partner gave me a mysterious text message saying he wanted to talk. After recovering from the shock of him actually wanting to speak openly about "us" or whatever you want to call it, I called the man back. This was one of the more surprising conversations I had participated in for a while as I learned he "missed" me. He also dropped the old, "just got out of a long-distance relationship, and you were moving" line.
*Clarification* I am in no way making fun of this guy, it was actually quite nice to hear, and if that certain guys is reading this... I am really sorry if you are offended, but very few read this and only my blog partner knows who you are.
Back to the point, I was thrown off my game by these comments. So much so that I went to go see him later that night. My proverbial iron-clad shell had been melted (smelted?) away and I really did not stand up for myself as much as I should have. If he missed me, why didn't he call sooner? What happened to make him want to be with me now? And just how recently did this other relationship end?
The moral of this story is that it is still unfinished. I don't know the answers to any of the questions above, I still don't talk to him much, and I have no idea what his intentions (or mine for that matter) are for the future. Learn from my mistakes kids, make him answer your damn questions so you at least have some semblance of what to expect.
I hope to be better at keeping you all informed on the mythical theories of Pseudo-Dating which spring to mind from time to time. Also, I have some intersting hypotheses on what is going on with this guy, let you know if I am right.
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