Friday, January 23, 2009

Follow up letters from NYT article

Here are some letters of response to the New York Times article Emily posted a little ways back. Thought I would share these as they give a balanced and positive response to "The Demise of Dating," by Charles M. Blow. 
Maybe the "hookup" and lack of formal dating is a good thing? Thoughts?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Congrats from the ladies of Pseudodating to Perz Obama and VP Biden! Go America!

May the promising change to come also encompass all of your dating lives.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Words of wisdom.

A friend fond of wearing bandanas gave me this pearl of great truth:

Emily, your blog isn't about dating, it's about guys trying to fuck girls and when they realize they can't, giving up.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Scary movie, new revelation

I recently experienced something in the world of dating that made me thankful for my apparent ability to attract the shy type-- attracting an asshole. It goes like this: meet random dude watching the Blazers game, meet up with him the next night in a public place, everything seems normal, go to movie, have to use physical strength to repel overzealous man in theater, get frightened, go to nearest friend's apartment building to escape and delete creepy man's phone number. 
Basically, what I am getting at is smart women are inherently skeptical, and we are like that for a reason. This experience was a less than pleasant wake up call reminding me of just that. So be careful and don't take that shit. I should have just made a scene in that theater, slapped his face and let everyone know he was a perv. I know I will complain a bit less about the guys I am drawn to being less than daring in the dating department, as the alternative is much much worse.